Uddevalla Vuxenutbildning offers you as an employer to take on a committed and driven apprentice. It is an exclusive way to match future film workers and companies. People who want to work with film or TV gain valuable contacts with the industry. Companies that accept apprentices get both an opportunity to train a new future colleague and a resource for up to 11 months.

Yrkesnämnden supports Uddevalla Vuxenutbildning to make the apprenticeship program close to the industry.



  • The apprenticeship period is a maximum of 11 months.
  • Of course, you are involved in deciding who becomes your apprentice.
  • If you already have a candidate, there is a good chance that they will become your future apprentice.
  • The apprenticeship program gives the right to study support at CSN.
  • The apprentice is insured via the program.
  • As a business, you receive some compensation for supervision time.
  • The apprentice is 80% with you and the remaining 20% ​​they get solid industry knowledge via the web series industry-talks.
  • The program is available throughout Sweden.
  • The apprenticeship program is a collaboration between the Uddevalla Vuxenutbildning och Yrkesnämnden för Film & TV, which is the provider of the educational material.


Are you a newly arrived immigrant? Would you like to enter the film and TV industry? We have the tools you need.

Kontakt - Lärlingsprogram

Maja Gross
+46 73-974 90 20


Yrkesnämnden för Film och TV
Kivra: 802537-4433 SE
106 31 Stockholm
Org. nr. 802537-4433